Wednesday, 23 July 2014

jQuery validation for file type extension

jQuery validation for file type extension

<script type="text/javascript">
      var file = $('input[type="file"]').val();
      var exts = ['doc','docx','rtf','odt'];
      // first check if file field has any value
      if ( file ) {
        // split file name at dot
        var get_ext = file.split('.');
        // reverse name to check extension
        get_ext = get_ext.reverse();
        // check file type is valid as given in 'exts' array
        if ( $.inArray ( get_ext[0].toLowerCase(), exts ) > -1 ){
          alert( 'Allowed extension!' );
        } else {
          alert( 'Invalid file!' );

Monday, 21 July 2014

Read xls or xlsx file using PHP

PHP XLSXReader Sample

$xlsx = new XLSXReader('Companies.xlsx');
$sheetNames = $xlsx->getSheetNames();

foreach($sheetNames as $sheetName) {
$sheet = $xlsx->getSheet($sheetName);
<h3><?php echo escape($sheetName);?></h3>

$data = array_map(function($row) {
$converted = XLSXReader::toUnixTimeStamp($row[0]);
return array($row[0], $converted, date('c', $converted), $row[1]);
}, $xlsx->getSheetData('Dates'));
array_unshift($data, array('Excel Date', 'Unix Timestamp', 'Formatted Date', 'Data'));

function array2Table($data) {
echo '<table>';
foreach($data as $row) {
echo "<tr>";
foreach($row as $cell) {
echo "<td>" . escape($cell) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo '</table>';

function debug($data) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

function escape($string) {
return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES);


class XLSXReader {
protected $sheets = array();
protected $sharedstrings = array();
protected $sheetInfo;
protected $zip;
public $config = array(
'removeTrailingRows' => true
// XML schemas

public function __construct($filePath, $config = array()) {
$this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config);
$this->zip = new ZipArchive();
$status = $this->zip->open($filePath);
if($status === true) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Failed to open $filePath with zip error code: $status");

// get a file from the zip
protected function getEntryData($name) {
$data = $this->zip->getFromName($name);
if($data === false) {
throw new Exception("File $name does not exist in the Excel file");
} else {
return $data;

// extract the shared string and the list of sheets
protected function parse() {
$sheets = array();
$relationshipsXML = simplexml_load_string($this->getEntryData("_rels/.rels"));
foreach($relationshipsXML->Relationship as $rel) {
if($rel['Type'] == self::SCHEMA_OFFICEDOCUMENT) {
$workbookDir = dirname($rel['Target']) . '/';
$workbookXML = simplexml_load_string($this->getEntryData($rel['Target']));
foreach($workbookXML->sheets->sheet as $sheet) {
$r = $sheet->attributes('r', true);
$sheets[(string)$r->id] = array(
'sheetId' => (int)$sheet['sheetId'],
'name' => (string)$sheet['name']
$workbookRelationsXML = simplexml_load_string($this->getEntryData($workbookDir . '_rels/' . basename($rel['Target']) . '.rels'));
foreach($workbookRelationsXML->Relationship as $wrel) {
switch($wrel['Type']) {
$sheets[(string)$wrel['Id']]['path'] = $workbookDir . (string)$wrel['Target'];
$sharedStringsXML = simplexml_load_string($this->getEntryData($workbookDir . (string)$wrel['Target']));
foreach($sharedStringsXML->si as $val) {
if(isset($val->t)) {
$this->sharedStrings[] = (string)$val->t;
} elseif(isset($val->r)) {
$this->sharedStrings[] = XLSXWorksheet::parseRichText($val);
$this->sheetInfo = array();
foreach($sheets as $rid=>$info) {
$this->sheetInfo[$info['name']] = array(
'sheetId' => $info['sheetId'],
'rid' => $rid,
'path' => $info['path']

// returns an array of sheet names, indexed by sheetId
public function getSheetNames() {
$res = array();
foreach($this->sheetInfo as $sheetName=>$info) {
$res[$info['sheetId']] = $sheetName;
return $res;

public function getSheetCount() {
return count($this->sheetInfo);

// instantiates a sheet object (if needed) and returns an array of its data
public function getSheetData($sheetNameOrId) {
$sheet = $this->getSheet($sheetNameOrId);
return $sheet->getData();

// instantiates a sheet object (if needed) and returns the sheet object
public function getSheet($sheet) {
if(is_numeric($sheet)) {
$sheet = $this->getSheetNameById($sheet);
} elseif(!is_string($sheet)) {
throw new Exception("Sheet must be a string or a sheet Id");
if(!array_key_exists($sheet, $this->sheets)) {
$this->sheets[$sheet] = new XLSXWorksheet($this->getSheetXML($sheet), $sheet, $this);

return $this->sheets[$sheet];

public function getSheetNameById($sheetId) {
foreach($this->sheetInfo as $sheetName=>$sheetInfo) {
if($sheetInfo['sheetId'] === $sheetId) {
return $sheetName;
throw new Exception("Sheet ID $sheetId does not exist in the Excel file");

protected function getSheetXML($name) {
return simplexml_load_string($this->getEntryData($this->sheetInfo[$name]['path']));

// converts an Excel date field (a number) to a unix timestamp (granularity: seconds)
public static function toUnixTimeStamp($excelDateTime) {
if(!is_numeric($excelDateTime)) {
return $excelDateTime;
$d = floor($excelDateTime); // seconds since 1900
$t = $excelDateTime - $d;
return ($d > 0) ? ( $d - 25569 ) * 86400 + $t * 86400 : $t * 86400;


class XLSXWorksheet {

protected $workbook;
public $sheetName;
protected $data;
public $colCount;
public $rowCount;
protected $config;

public function __construct($xml, $sheetName, XLSXReader $workbook) {
$this->config = $workbook->config;
$this->sheetName = $sheetName;
$this->workbook = $workbook;

// returns an array of the data from the sheet
public function getData() {
return $this->data;

protected function parse($xml) {

protected function parseDimensions($dimensions) {
$range = (string) $dimensions['ref'];
$cells = explode(':', $range);
$maxValues = $this->getColumnIndex($cells[1]);
$this->colCount = $maxValues[0] + 1;
$this->rowCount = $maxValues[1] + 1;

protected function parseData($sheetData) {
$rows = array();
$curR = 0;
$lastDataRow = -1;
foreach ($sheetData->row as $row) {
$rowNum = (int)$row['r'];
if($rowNum != ($curR + 1)) {
$missingRows = $rowNum - ($curR + 1);
for($i=0; $i < $missingRows; $i++) {
$rows[$curR] = array_pad(array(),$this->colCount,null);
$curC = 0;
$rowData = array();
foreach ($row->c as $c) {
list($cellIndex,) = $this->getColumnIndex((string) $c['r']);
if($cellIndex !== $curC) {
$missingCols = $cellIndex - $curC;
for($i=0;$i<$missingCols;$i++) {
$rowData[$curC] = null;
$val = $this->parseCellValue($c);
if(!is_null($val)) {
$lastDataRow = $curR;
$rowData[$curC] = $val;
$rows[$curR] = array_pad($rowData, $this->colCount, null);
if($this->config['removeTrailingRows']) {
$this->data = array_slice($rows, 0, $lastDataRow + 1);
$this->rowCount = count($this->data);
} else {
$this->data = $rows;

protected function getColumnIndex($cell = 'A1') {
if (preg_match("/([A-Z]+)(\d+)/", $cell, $matches)) {
$col = $matches[1];
$row = $matches[2];
$colLen = strlen($col);
$index = 0;

for ($i = $colLen-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$index += (ord($col{$i}) - 64) * pow(26, $colLen-$i-1);
return array($index-1, $row-1);
throw new Exception("Invalid cell index");
protected function parseCellValue($cell) {
// $cell['t'] is the cell type
switch ((string)$cell["t"]) {
case "s": // Value is a shared string
if ((string)$cell->v != '') {
$value = $this->workbook->sharedStrings[intval($cell->v)];
} else {
$value = '';
case "b": // Value is boolean
$value = (string)$cell->v;
if ($value == '0') {
$value = false;
} else if ($value == '1') {
$value = true;
} else {
$value = (bool)$cell->v;
case "inlineStr": // Value is rich text inline
$value = self::parseRichText($cell->is);
case "e": // Value is an error message
if ((string)$cell->v != '') {
$value = (string)$cell->v;
} else {
$value = '';
if(!isset($cell->v)) {
return null;
$value = (string)$cell->v;

// Check for numeric values
if (is_numeric($value)) {
if ($value == (int)$value) $value = (int)$value;
elseif ($value == (float)$value) $value = (float)$value;
elseif ($value == (double)$value) $value = (double)$value;
return $value;

// returns the text content from a rich text or inline string field
    public static function parseRichText($is = null) {
        $value = array();
        if (isset($is->t)) {
            $value[] = (string)$is->t;
        } else {
            foreach ($is->r as $run) {
                $value[] = (string)$run->t;
        return implode(' ', $value);

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS using mod_rewrite

Redirect http to https htaccess

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule .* https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]
RewriteCond $1 !^children/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]


Sunday, 13 July 2014

Connect to BSNL Broadband using Router

Configure Beetel 110TC1 ADSL2+ Router for BSNL

Open in your browser. Use the following username password to login

username : admin
password : admin or password

You should be greeted with the Beetel 110TC1 configuration page.
Click on Interface Setup
For Virtual Circuit, you can choose either the default PVC0 or PVC2. If you choose PVC0, then you need to set VPI = 0 and VCI = 35 (This is specific to BNSL).
 If you choose PVC2, the default values are 0 and 35.

NB :- For me  Virtual Circuit:  Status PV0 is Deactivated with VPI = 1 and VCI = 32
PVC2 status Activated with VPI = 0 and VCI = 35
Servicename : BSNL
Password: password
Encapsulation:  PPPoE LLC
Bridge Interface: Deactivated
Get IP Address: Dynamic

Under the ‘PPPoA/PPPoE’ section enter the user name/password combination provided by BSNL. For me the username as first two characters of my first name follower by my telephone number along with the STD Code. That is ni80xxxxxxxx. The password is ‘password’.
Save your changes.
The next step is to set the DNS entries, navigate to the sub-tab ‘LAN’ under ‘Interface Setup’.
Under DHCP, change the DNS Relay to ‘Use ZAuto Discovered DNS Server Only’.