$('#anchorTag').parent(); //This would return p, immediate parent of a#anchorTag.
parents(selector) : This returns the multiple ancestors. Its not restricted to only one level of parent/ancestors of the element. This is the main difference between the parent and parents method.
In the above HTML Snippet. If i do
$('#anchorTag').parents(); //This would return all the ancestors (p, div, body, html)
//On passing selector it will filter down the matched parent elements by selector
$('#anchorTag').parents('div'); //This would give me only div
closest(selector) : It works like parents(), except that it returns only one parent/ancestor. This is ideal for the situation i mentioned earlier. If i want to check for existence of element in the ancestry tree, then i would prefer to use the closest rather than parents as it only target the selector rather than filtering it from all the ancestor elements. Here is example
$('#anchorTag').closest(); //This would give me empty object as we have not mentioned the selector
$('#anchorTag').closest('div'); //This would give me the div.
Hope this post has helped in terms of using the parent, parents and closest methods of jQuery library. Thank you for reading.