In the Run window, enter the following command (include the quotes) and press OK:
"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary
On Ubuntu
Run this command on terminal:
PHP, Symfony, Mysql, jQuery, Ajax, Web development, Payment Gateways, CCavenue, Interview Questions, Web Service Integrations
"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary
On Ubuntu
Run this command on terminal:
skype --secondary
{$cms->id} = CMS Page's ID
{$cms->position} = CMS Page's position
{$meta_keywords|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} = meta keywords
{$meta_description|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} = meta description
{$meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} = Category Name
{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} = Name of Shop code for page (doesn't work)
{$cms_title.category_link} = ? {$} = Name of the CMS Category?
{$cms_title.category_name} {$} = link to a CMS page
{$|escape:html:'UTF-8'} = CMS page name
{if isset($product.reduction) && $product.reduction && isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}<p class="presale_container">{convertPrice price=$product.price_without_reduction}</p>{/if}
{$link->getPageLink('search.php')} = Page Link to specific page
{$img_dir} = images directory in the theme
{$img_ps_dir} = full directory from http://www to image directory
{$base_dir} = base directory of site $tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl = name of template directory and name of template http://{$smarty.server.HTTP_HOST}
{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI} = current url of page
{$img_update_time} = image update time
{$css_dir} = theme's css directory
{$content_dir} = ? {$base_dir_ssl}
href="{$this_path_ssl}validation.php" title="{l s='Pay on your account. 30 Day Net Terms' mod='cashondelivery'}"> - use {$this_path_ssl} and mod='cashondelivery' to have Prestashop use the path to the module
{$product->id_category_default|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} Default Category ID
01 $base_dir { root folder of your shop }
02 $base_dir_ssl { root folder of your shop using HTTPS protocol }
03 $content_dir { root folder of your shop depending on the SSL settings }
04 $img_ps_dir { root folder containing images "/img/" }
05 $img_dir { images folder in your current theme directory }
06 $css_dir { css folder inside the current theme folder }
07 $js_dir { JavaScript inside the theme folder }
08 $tpl_dir { theme root folder }
09 $modules_dir { modules root folder }
10 $mail_dir { mail templates root folder }
11 $lang_iso { current language ISO code }
12 $come_from { previous page address [absolute] }
13 $shop_name { your specified shop name }
14 $cart_qties { total number of products in the cart }
15 $cart { shopping cart contents }
16 $currencies { pulls available currencies }
17 $id_currency_cookie { selected currency id [cookie dependent] }
18 $currency { active currency }
19 $cookie { active cookie }
20 $languages { grabs available languages }
21 $logged { checks whether users is logged in }
22 $page_name { current pages name }
23 $customerName { customer name [session dependent] }
24 $priceDisplay { current price display settings
{$come_from} | URL for the visitor's origin. |
{$link->getPageLink('prices-drop')} | Specific page – Sales |
{$link->getPageLink('contact', true)} | Contact form (true is for SSL support) |
{$cart} | shopping cart contents |
{$cart_qties} | Number of products in the cart. |
{$cookie} | User cookie. |
{$currencies} | The various available currencies. |
{$currency} | Currency object (currently used currency). |
{$customerName} | Client name (if logged in). |
{$id_currency_cookie} | ID of the current currency. |
{$languages} | The various available languages. |
{$logged} | Indicates whether the visitor is logged to a customer account. |
{$page_name} | Page name. |
{$priceDisplay} | Price display method (with or without taxes…). |
{$roundMode} | Rounding method in use. |
{$shop_name} | Shop name. |
{$use_taxes} | Indicates whether taxes are enabled or not. |
Directories |
{$base_dir} | root folder of your shop |
{$base_dir_ssl} | root folder of your shop using HTTPS protocol |
{$content_dir} | root folder of your shop depending on the SSL settings |
{$css_dir} | URL for the theme's CSS folder. |
{$img_col_dir} | |
{$img_store_dir} | URL for the stores images folder. |
{$img_cat_dir} | URL for the categories images folder. |
{$img_dir} | URL for the theme's images folder. |
{$img_lang_dir} | URL for the languages images folder. |
{$img_manu_dir} | URL for the manufacturers images folder. |
{$img_prod_dir} | URL for the products images folder. |
{$img_ps_dir} | URL for the PrestaShop image folder. |
{$img_ship_dir} | URL for the carriers (shipping) images folder. |
{$img_sup_dir} | URL for the suppliers images folder. |
{$js_dir} | URL for the theme's JavaScript folder. |
{$lang_iso} | ISO code for the current language. |
{$modules_dir} | URL the modules folder. |
{$mail_dir} | URL for the mail templates folder. |
{$pic_dir} | URL for the pictures upload folder. |
{tpl_dir} | URL for the current theme's folder. |
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $('input#submit').click(function(){ var file = $('input[type="file"]').val(); var exts = ['doc','docx','rtf','odt']; // first check if file field has any value if ( file ) { // split file name at dot var get_ext = file.split('.'); // reverse name to check extension get_ext = get_ext.reverse(); // check file type is valid as given in 'exts' array if ( $.inArray ( get_ext[0].toLowerCase(), exts ) > -1 ){ alert( 'Allowed extension!' ); } else { alert( 'Invalid file!' ); } } }); }); </script>